Admiralty & Maritime Law
Greenville’s Go-To Legal Office for Maritime Law
Admiralty law and maritime law is the body of laws and regulations, including international treaties and agreements, domestic and international law, which govern activities on the ocean or in any navigable waters. Admiralty law includes accidents and injuries at sea, maritime contracts and commerce, and much more.
The Dodd Law Firm, LLC is prepared to comprehensively assist you in any and all admiralty and maritime-related matters. Our firm handles special admiralty and maritime projects and has worked on cases involving treasure salvage and the law of finds and abandonment, the abandoned shipwreck act, the sunken military crafts act, various state and federal statutes, international treaties, and constitutional law issues, among many various other issues and related matters.

Helping You Navigate International Laws
When it comes to marine law, it can be particularly tricky to get a clear picture of issues regarding legality, especially if you or your business deal with multiple countries at once. Marine laws involve registrations, licenses, and inspection procedures for not only your ships, but also your contracts, maritime insurance, and the goods and passengers on your ships.
As you can see, just the sheer number of topics maritime law covers is vast, and when you apply that to different areas of the world, it can be tough to deal with on your own. How can you focus on running your business when you have to make sense of laws you’re unfamiliar with? With an experienced maritime attorney at your service, you can get sound legal advice when it comes to shipping law and other areas you may have legal concerns in.

Follow Import and Export Regulations
If your business deals in the import and/or export of goods, you need a good maritime attorney on your side. The Dodd Law Firm, LLC knows and understands marine law thoroughly, which means we can answer any questions or concerns you may have about the operations of your business. Make sure your company is safe from fines, penalties, and other legal consequences and consult with our law firm to ensure your business operates smoothly across the seas.
Admiralty & Maritime Law
Attorney Michael B. Dodd is knowledgeable in the specialized field of Admiralty and Maritime Law. Michael holds an LL.M. degree in Admiralty and Maritime Law from the Charleston School of Law and also teaches as an adjunct professor of law in the Admiralty and Maritime Program at the Charleston School of Law.
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
-Romans 12:10